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Liposuction Fat Transfer to buttocks: Breast Augmentation

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Guadalupe transforms her body by having Dr. David Kim perform a Breast Augmentation, Liposuction to the flanks and abdomen as well as a Fat Transfer to the Buttocks knows as Brazilian Butt Lift.

To be a good candidate for liposuction, you must have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do for you. It's important to understand that liposuction can enhance your appearance and self-confidence, but it won't necessarily change your looks to match your ideal or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

During your consultation we will discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure and what your desired outcome would be. We will discuss many topics such as desired size, shape, and implant type and incision site. You may also be asked about medical conditions, drug allergies, current medication use, previous surgeries, and family history of breast cancer and results of any mammograms or previous biopsies. Dr. Kim will discuss what procedure will most likely get your desired result and will show photos representing these procedures.
How do you know if you are a candidate for butt augmentation through fat transfer? Usually, if a patient is overweight or wears an eight to 12-dress size, she is probably best suited for transfer and perhaps some liposuction. Thin patients who wear size two to four dresses are usually not good candidates for fat transfer because they do not have any fat to spare.
Fat transfer is done by taking fat from more corpulent areas like the stomach, flanks, (the "love handles") hips, lower back or thighs. The fat is removed with a very gentle liposuction device that uses a thin cannula (the suction tube) to protect live fat cells. The fat particles are then purified and injected back into the muscle layers of the buttocks through one very small incision. Dr. David Kim puts tiny fat droplets throughout the muscle layers so the fat cells will have a good blood supply and thrive.
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery
436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 305
Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210

For any further questions or to arrange for an appointment please call (310) 271-6996 or you can e-mail at: drdavidkim@beverlyhillsplasticsurgery.com

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Author: admin



    1. obigalish

      She reshaped her body in a way impossible at the gym. Her fat cell distribution is different. She can gain wait and still have a nice figure. Amazing what plastic surgery can do now a days/

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